Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2025!

Another year has passed and it is a time we use to reflect. I know many make new year’s resolutions. I don’t even do that anymore. You may ask why? I stopped making them because I noticed they never make a difference or even last that long. I prefer to instead reflect on things that worked last year and change my actions as the year moves forward to do better. I vow to myself to do my best everyday. This year I decided that the most important job I have ever had was raising my children and caring for other children. That is why I decided this year to just reach out to other parents and try to help. That is how this idea came to be born.

I hope as parents we can learn from each other and help support each other in this important job. I have many ideas for this page to grow. For example, adding a recipe or feeding challenge section. I understand that is always a challenge with how busy our lives are and the finicky nature of children. We try our best to give our children every opportunity to be happy and healthy but let’s face it. As parents we need support and to take care of our needs too. If we aren’t healthy how can we help our children?

If there are any topics you would like me to cover please reach out to me. I will help the best I can.

Thank you for taking the time to visit.

Please come back to visit. Hugs to all.


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